Industry sessions
Industry Sessions
Industry Session Programme And Faculty In Particular
The Industry session organisers are the solely responsible for keeping any of its industry sessions activities compliant with all relevant laws and regulations. EADV is not involved with or have any control over the content, quality, organization, operation, scientific integrity of the activity and materials. EADV is not involved in the selection of speakers, moderators and other faculty.
Access To Industry Sessions
As a multidisciplinary audience will be attending the Virtual Congress, please make sure to select the right category, Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) and Non-Healthcare Professionals (NON-HCPs), during the registration process:
Access to any industry sessions where data or research of prescription medicines is presented will be limited exclusively to Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) only.
Industry Session organisers may limit participation to certain representative groups independently from EADV recommendations if deemed imperative to the achievement of the intended purpose of the Industry session.
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