
All information concerning e-Poster submission will be sent out by e-mail through the EADV’s service provider.

Authors that are selected for e-Poster presentation are requested to prepare a PDF file adhering to the following rules:

  • Only material in PDF format will be accepted.
  • All e-Posters should be created in landscape (horizontal) orientation.
  • To assure the best quality of your e-Poster, we recommend that the .pdf file has the size of an A0 sheet (1189mm x 841 mm or 33.11 × 46.81 inches).
  • Commercial names, registered trademarks and pharmaceutical company logos cannot be used within the e-Poster, this also includes photos of commercial equipment.
  • Product name should be replaced by its active ingredient.
  • Animated images and animations are not permitted and will be non-functioning.
  • Photographs should at all times protect the privacy and identity of the subject. Eyes should be blacked out.

Authors will be also given the possibility to associate a short audio description (maximum of 4 minutes) to their e-poster.

After the Congress

All e-Posters will be made available online on www.eadv.org only for EADV members. If you do not agree with the online publication of your poster, please notify the EADV Scientific Department in advance by e-mail.

e-Poster list

Discover all the abstracts that have been accepted to be presented as e-posters at the 29th EADV Congress.

DOWNLOAD e-Poster list
E-POSTER list - EADV Virtual


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